Veterinary Services

Pet Palliative Care

Learn more about our pet palliative care services below.

Pet Palliative Care in Tumwater, WA

During a quality of life consultation, we may be able to formulate a care plan to prolong the length and quality of your pet’s life. Through diagnostics, treatment, and medication regimen you can give your pet comfort and the ability at living a more active healthy life if possible. Some services can be provided by Dr. Tyler’s team, other services may require a clinic visit. This may be done at your regular clinic or Dr. Tyler’s day practice Evergreen Veterinary Hospital.

There are many reasons why pet owners may seek out palliative care for their beloved animal companions. As pets age, they may develop chronic diseases or conditions that cannot be cured. In these cases, pet palliative care can help to improve the quality of life for both the pet and the pet owner. It can also be beneficial for pets who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or are experiencing end-of-life symptoms. In some cases, pet palliative care may be used to provide pain relief or control other symptoms associated with the end-of-life process.

It is helpful to have the pet’s previous medical records prior to the appointment so Dr. Tyler and her team can adequately prepare. Appointments are scheduled for 60 minutes.